Wearing our support
Big Canopy Campout C.I.C. is a social enterprise and community dedicated to the protection of native forests worldwide. Each year BCC runs an international fundraising event encouraging people to camp out and up in trees in an act of solidarity and appreciation for our wild spaces.
A key part of our fundraising efforts is the selling of custom BCC products aimed at the tree climbing and outdoor community, and this year we have partnered with SIP Protection to produce a limited edition set of Gecko climbing trousers. The designs on these bespoke trousers represent both BCC and SËRA, with proceeds contributing towards our fundraising goal to assist the Siekoya Remolino community in further diversifying their sustainable sources of income and improve food sovereignty.
With only 100 pairs available from two of our supportive retailers you better be quick!
Unique Design
The 2,500 € raised through the sale of the limited edition trousers will go towards our 2023 fundraising goal of 20,000€ to cover the cost of a medicinal plant laboratory and help fund an expedition of professional tree climbers and herbalists to share skills, knowledge and techniques requested by the community to create sustainable sources of income and improve food sovereignty.
This will be the first indigenous owned medicinal plant laboratory in the Ecuadorian Amazon and offer the opportunity for methods of processing medicinal plants and fruits to create a range of natural products.
Poosa je’je Sarawa
The design was provided by the Siekoya Remolino community who gave us the privilege to use one of their traditional Siekopai facial designs.
The symbol is called ‘Poosa je’je Sarawa’ and is painted on those whom are welcomed by the Siekopai people into their ancestral lands.
Click on the link below to learn more about the fundraising campaign and SËRA Foundation
Where can you buy these trousers?
To purchase your pair of limited edition BCC SIP gecko’s please contact Condor Safety or Climbtools. Details below
Condor Safety
Located in Belgium, Condor Safety is a hub of support and motivation for BCC. Head over to their shop or get in touch directly. There are translations in French, English and Dutch.
Known in Germany for their work supporting good causes, Climbtools has for many years supported BCC in distributing our fundraising products around Europe. You can find the trousers in their shop below. (Any questions, talk with Muck in the shop!)