Fundraising for the Future of our Forests

Here we’ve gathered ideas from our campout community on how to raise some money for the annual cause as part of your campout!

Take inspiration from those who enjoy forests in so many different ways and mark the event by supporting the annual campaign protecting native forests.

All dedicated donations from fundraising efforts are wholeheartedly appreciated and go directly to Friends of Glenan Wood.

All fundraising donations can be sent using the link below.



Anyone can raffle almost anything. If you have something you think the BCC community would love, get in contact with us and we could add this to our own raffle prizes!


The simplest and easiest way to raise funds is a donation jar. Set it up at work, school and bring it to the campout for people to add their contribution.


Is this your first campout, first time camping out in a forest or sleeping in a hammock, are you responsible for organising the whole event!? Asking friends and family to sponsor your adventure is a great way to get others involved and spread the word.

Ideas for Professional Climbers

  • Donate a Day Rate!

  • Kids Climb

  • Canopy Experience Day

    These suggestions are for qualified, trained and experienced climbers, organisations or training providers only.

Ideas for Kids

  • Sponsored ‘Camp Out’ Collect support to sleep outside for the campout!

  • Can’t campout? Sponsored nature walks are also brilliant! Explore forests or wild spaces with intention and get others involved.

  • Bake Sale or lemonade stands are always a winning option

Ideas for anyone!

  • Movie Night - Can’t campout? Camp - In and host a screening of your favourite films or documentaries.

  • Donation jars - Put them anywhere!

  • Print your own campout t-shirts/hoodies - get our logos here in pdf form