Why give?
Big Canopy Campout is a non-profit organisation run entirely by volunteers that take pride in dedicating their time and knowledge to the continuation of helping to protect native forests worldwide
All donations will either go direct to a BCC chosen cause or towards the running costs of the company.
We guarantee your contributions will be directed towards the protection and conservation of native forests worldwide and not tea and biscuits for the break room…. we don’t have a break room, we have dusty computers and unkempt hair, this will likely never change! -
BCC loves the idea of cultivating compassionate communities through our fundraising efforts. We have the fortunate ability to tell stories on an international level where others might not be able to, creating a level of connection between like minded advocates for our natural spaces.
BCC choses charities/causes which will benefit greatly to our donations. The impact of your generosity has obvious transformative outcomes which can be seen through our updates
We are very conscious that many people do not have the ability to donate financially but that doesn’t mean you can’t help and be part of our community
Take part in our annual Big Canopy Campout event. We like to camp up and under trees to raise awareness for the protection of native forests. See our Fundraising page for more details
The simple act of sharing our voice to the world has great impact on our global reach. This can be done by word of mouth, social media and signing up to Newsletter for more information on what we do and how we do it.
While we realise this is also a form of spending money, it’s also a way for you to donate while also getting something fun and shiny in the process. We strive to have a sustainable impact with our merchandise and only sell from reputable retailers worldwide.